Running Your Hotel Business? Know How To Spot Bedbugs

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When on vacation, some people prefer to stay in hotels. For others, staying at a hotel is more of a duty forced on by travel for work. The last thing you would like in a hotel room, whether you are relaxing after a hard day at work or enjoying your holiday, is to get bitten by bed bugs.

Nothing is more costly than a bed bug infestation, mainly if you take into consideration all of the possible expenses and liabilities that could happen when your guests get bitten by a bed bug. Maintaining your hotel rooms in operation is essential to your bottom line. For more information on how to eradicate bedbugs, visit

Know how to eliminate bedbugs if you run a hotel business.

Knowing how to recognize a bed insect infestation in a hotel room is a beneficial skill, mainly because bed bugs are growing more and more hazardous in the US. But, if you do not immediately inspect your hotel rooms for bed bugs after checking in, you are likely to miss these warning signs. 

Furthermore, keep in mind that you should look for these signs before opening your luggage when flying. Whether you are a hotel visitor or the owner, if you see these signs, act right away. Do not wait.

1. Stains of blood on sheets, pillows, and mattresses

Bloodstains, often known as smears, on the mattress imply a bed insect infestation in the hotel room. There are cases when other hotel furnishings, including couches and recliners, can also have bloodstains on them. These bloodstains can show up when bed bugs in mattresses are accidentally crushed while they are feasting.   

2. Stains on Bedding from Bed Bug Feces

Little black and dark stains or spots on the mattress might be caused by bed insect waste products, which is a sure sign of their presence. Because mattresses provide bed bugs with the fastest access to human blood, they are among the most popular locations for bed bugs. Additionally, mattresses cannot be chemically treated, unlike beds and other furniture.  

3. Eggs of bed bugs 

Sometimes, the bed bugs’ eggs, eggshells, larvae, and nymphs may be discovered on the mattress in your hotel. Bed bug eggs vary in size from 1 to 4 mm and are light in color.

4. Musty Smell 

The bed bug-infested room can sometimes smell intensely of mold. However, mold may also be at blame for this. Therefore, even though it could be a hint, it is best to pair it with other signs.

5. Genuine Bed Bugs

Bed bugs have a reddish-brown color and a maximum size of 5 to 7 mm. Bed bugs are wingless insects with six legs and two antennae. Because they are highly adept at hiding, you may even see live bed bugs in your hotel room. You can occasionally find them in the seams of mattresses, the small crevices of beds, and the laundry that has been washed.

How common are bedbugs in hotels?

Unfortunately, the number of bed bugs in hotels is probably higher than you would want to think. They can be spotted often in a variety of environments, including single-family homes, apartments, hotels, offices, childcare centers, hospitals, and nursing homes. In recent years, bed insect infestations have grown more common, especially at hotels.

Debunking myths of bedbugs in hotels

An outbreak of bed bugs is usually associated with poor-quality hotels; for example, you could think of a budget, poorly-kept motel as the most likely place for one. But whether a place is clean or luxurious, bed bugs have no interest. Bed bugs may grow in five-star hotels, resorts, and even the cleanest rooms, just as they do in little roadside motels.


A bed bug action plan should be followed immediately if you or a staff member discovers evidence of bed bugs on the property. The plan may include specific instructions for controlling the infestation, disposing of contaminated furniture and linens, and eliminating pests.

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